Defi­ance County’s 911 direc­tor has now been offi­cially ter­mi­nated over alle­ga­tions con­cern­ing her expenses, how­ever offi­cials now say no case will be pre­sented for pros­e­cu­tion.

Carol Armitage was offi­cially ter­mi­nated as the 911 direc­tor, effec­tive May 17. Armitage had been on admin­is­tra­tive leave with­out pay fol­low­ing alle­ga­tions of “pos­si­ble fal­si­fi­ca­tion of travel expense doc­u­ments.“

In a short press release issued Tues­day, the Defi­ance County Pros­e­cu­tors Office said that “based upon Armitage’s agree­ment to a resti­tu­tion arrange­ment and her accep­tance of a ter­mi­na­tion agree­ment with Defi­ance County, no fur­ther action will be pur­sued.“

Armitage could have been sub­ject to felony pros­e­cu­tion had her case been pre­sented to a county grand jury for pos­si­ble indictment.

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