“Health Levy” To Appear On Ballot

The Williams County Heath Depart­ment is seek­ing renewal of a five-year, 1-mill levy in the upcom­ing Novem­ber elec­tion. If passed, the levy will cost the owner of a $100,000 house $100 a year, with col­lec­tion begin­ning in Jan­u­ary 2016.

The levy actu­ally, is not a new tax. It’s sim­ply a renewal that will fund the department’s efforts to con­tinue to offer a wide range of ser­vices that offi­cials say are vital to the health of all county res­i­dents.

The levy, if passed, will bring in about $600,000 annu­ally, amount­ing to approx­i­mately 40 per­cent of the department’s $1.7 mil­lion annual budget.

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