School News From Edgerton

The Edger­ton Board of Edu­ca­tion met Mon­day evening, and sev­eral cap­i­tal improve­ment expen­di­tures were reviewed. If acted on, they will be funded by the antic­i­pated refund from the Ohio Facil­i­ties Com­mis­sion,. The refund is from the new school con­struc­tion com­ing in under bud­get. On the agenda is an upgrade at the high school’s CAD room, tak­ing it from 30 work sta­tions to 60, and hav­ing the project done in June or July 2015.

Offi­cials also said they are explor­ing costs and options to cre­ate a des­ig­nated area for per­form­ing arts, along with a tech­ni­cal upgrade to the com­puter sys­tem that reg­u­lates the school’s HVAC.

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