Health survey planned for January 2016

The Williams County Health Depart­ment is mak­ing plans now to assess county resident’s health.
In part­ner­ship with county med­ical, edu­ca­tional, reli­gious and well­ness groups, they’ll gather details to deter­mine the health needs of the area. Begin­ning in Jan­u­ary, Williams County adult res­i­dents will receive a health-related ques­tion­naire in the mail. Res­i­dents will be asked to respond to the sur­vey, and the answers and feed­back will be com­piled into the 2016 edi­tion of the Williams County Com­mu­nity Health Assess­ment.
Williams County Health Com­mis­sioner Jim Watkins says from this sur­vey, “we’ll be able to get a snap­shot of the health of the com­mu­nity.“
Williams County Com­mu­nity Health Direc­tor Mea­gan Riley says the assess­ment will “iden­tify fac­tors that affect the health of a pop­u­la­tion and deter­mine the avail­abil­ity of resources within the com­mu­nity to ade­quately address these factors.”

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