Middle school construction moving along

A school con­struc­tion update this morn­ing. The district’s new 6th to 12th grade school build­ing is on sched­ule and should be done in July next sum­mer. Accord­ing to Super­in­ten­dent Diana Sav­age. Right now, work­ers are in the process of get­ting ready to work through the win­ter.
Con­crete work­ers will be work­ing on build­ing the gym­na­sium. They’ll use the enclosed area for a safe con­struc­tion stor­age space, shel­tered from the cold.
The roof should be started by the end of the month or early Decem­ber. The build­ing is funded in part by a 7.45-mill bond passed by vot­ers in Novem­ber 2013. The 150,000-square-foot build­ing will help the dis­trict achieve its goal of hav­ing a 21st cen­tury learn­ing envi­ron­ment.
Upon its com­ple­tion, the 150,000-square-foot build­ing, funded in part by a 7.45-mill bond passed by vot­ers in Novem­ber 2013, will help the dis­trict achieve its vision of a 21st-century learn­ing envi­ron­ment. They’ll use nat­ural light­ing to cut oper­at­ing costs. And the school will con­tinue the one-to-one lap pro­gram for grades 7–12 this year. Sixth grade will be included in the lap­top pro­gram for the 2016–17 school year. Finally, work will begin on the re-purposing of the cur­rent mid­dle school to house pre-K through fifth graders in early June 2016. That project is expected to be com­pleted by the 2017 school year.

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