Henry County Woman Reports Roadside Attack

The Henry County Sheriff’s depart­ment has released infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing a descrip­tion of the vehi­cle and sus­pects involved in a road­side rob­bery that took place just west of Napoleon Mon­day after­noon.

They say a black Dodge Car­a­van was pulled off the south side of the east­bound lane of U.S. 6, with its haz­ard lights on, when a 19 year old woman from Edger­ton pulled over to assist.

The dis­abled vehi­cle, accord­ing to the Sheriff’s release, had red tape over the left back light. Two black males were in the vehi­cle, and one got out of the pas­sen­gers side of the mini­van, and approached the vic­tim, who was sit­ting in her car. That sus­pect 5’9 with a shaved head, a lip ring, and a spi­der web tat­too on his hand. He was wear­ing a yel­low shirt.

The woman says the man came up to her car, grabbed her hair, and pulled her from the vehi­cle. He then stepped on her, grabbed some change from the car, and stole her engage­ment ring from her fin­ger. The vic­tim drove to a car­ry­out gas sta­tion on Scott street, where she reported the inci­dent. The Henry County Sheriff’s office is ask­ing any­one that saw some­thing sus­pi­cious along U.S. 6 just west of Napoleon between 2pm and 2:30pm to call their office, or call the crimestop­pers num­ber 1–800-62-CRIME.

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