Henry Court Action

From Henry County Court, some news today…

A Napoleon man, 57 year old Daniel Gon­za­les, plead guilty to two charges of Gross Sex­ual Impo­si­tion in a case involv­ing a vic­tim under 13 years of age. A pre-sentence inves­ti­ga­tion is being con­ducted.

Lib­erty Cen­ter res­i­dent Jeff Tay­lor pled guilty to Pos­ses­sion of Cocaine.

Tay­lor will be sen­tenced on Feb­ru­ary 24th.

31 year old John Serda, Jr. of Desh­ler pled guilty to Bur­glary.

23 year old Feli­cia Sweeten of Lib­erty Cen­ter was con­victed of Grand Theft.

And a Wauseon man, 21 year old Travis Sut­ton, pled guilty in Henry County Court to Burglary.

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