Hicksville’s 12th annual com­mu­nity garage sale is this week­end.

The sale will take place through­out the entire town today and Sat­ur­day from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Some how­ever, say they will open before 9am for the early birds.

This year, about 50 are tak­ing part dur­ing the two-day period. Although the sale is restricted to homes within the Hicksville vil­lage lim­its, a few rural res­i­dents are part of it as well.

Out-of-towners are wel­come. The sale has been grow­ing in pop­u­lar­ity for over ten years.

While the usual cloth­ing, toys, elec­tron­ics, home dec­o­ra­tions and other items will be avail­able. this year one per­son even has their house for sale.

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