High Speed Motorcycle Chase Reaches 115 MPH

One motor­cy­clist is in cus­tody and another is still on the loose fol­low­ing a police chase Mon­day night that started in DeKalb County and ended in Angola. It began when cops tried to stop two motor­cy­cles head­ing north on County Road 39 from the Water­loo area for speed­ing. They refused to pull over, and were clocked at speeds of up to 115 miles per hour. When one of the bik­ers hit another vehi­cle, police tried to take him into cus­tody, but he fought them off, and they had to use a taser to sub­due him. Mean­while, the sec­ond sus­pect con­tin­ued to flee from police and was chased to the area of the Toll Road by the Steuben County Sheriff’s Depart­ment and the Indi­ana State Police. 27-year-old Covey Sali­nas of Lenoxville, Penn­syl­va­nia, the dri­ver of the first bike, told police he did not know the name of the sec­ond motor­cy­clist who got away. Sali­nas is being held in the DeKalb County Jail now, on a long list of charges. He will also face addi­tional charges in Steuben County.

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