Williams Sheriff Announces Arrest

Williams County Sher­iffs Deputies have been busy so far this week. 50 year old Bir­dine Cole Sr. of Mont­pe­lier was arrested Mon­day on 2 secret indict­ments from the Williams County Com­mon Pleas Court. Cole is a reg­is­tered sex offender that absconded. His ini­tial indict­ment in July is for fail­ure to notify of a change of address. Cole was also indicted in August for ille­gal man­u­fac­ture of drugs and aggra­vated pos­ses­sion of drugs. Cole was arrested in Hills­dale County by the Hills­dale County Sher­iffs Depart­ment. He waived extra­di­tion and was brought back to Williams County and is now being held in CCNO. And 51 year old Jef­fery Lusk of Edger­ton is behind bars in CCNO, after his arrest on Tues­day on a felony indict­ment for non sup­port of depen­dents, and a bench war­rant for abscond­ing from supervision.

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