Napoleon Leaders Visit Water Facility

In Napoleon, city lead­ers on Sat­ur­day, toured the water treat­ment plant, as plans for a large-scale reha­bil­i­ta­tion of the facil­ity are being made.

The tour gave coun­cil mem­bers a good chance to see what needs to be done at the plant, as they pre­pare to decide how to pro­ceed with the mas­sive upcom­ing project.

Ini­tially esti­mated to cost about $16 mil­lion, that fig­ure bal­looned to $24 mil­lion by Octo­ber 2013.

That was before offi­cials learned last April, that part of the site for the pro­posed new plant, was a des­ig­nated wet­land, and there­fore off lim­its.

Coun­cil voted ear­lier this month, to move for­ward with an upgrade to the cur­rent facil­ity, which is now expected to cost between $13-$15 mil­lion.

Napoleon is up against an Octo­ber 2016 dead­line by the EPA to make improve­ments to the city water system.

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