Hillsdale School Board Welcomes New Member

Hills­dale Inter­me­di­ate School Dis­trict has a new board mem­ber fol­low­ing the res­ig­na­tion of the board’s pres­i­dent last month. Valerie White, a Hills­dale res­i­dent and assis­tant pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney for Branch County, was selected from four can­di­dates who fielded ques­tions from the school board. White high­lighted her back­ground in law as a unique and ben­e­fi­cial qual­i­fi­ca­tion to serve. The other can­di­dates and any­one else with suf­fi­cient back­ing can run for a seat on the board dur­ing re-elections this com­ing June.

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Williams Co. Commissioners hold second hearing on proposed projects.

The Williams County commissioners Tuesday held the second hearing on proposed projects for a critical …