Holgate Pool May Be A Lost Cause

Seri­ous doubts are now aris­ing about the via­bil­ity of a com­mu­nity pool in Hol­gate.

Offi­cials say the pool facil­ity needs work, it’s under-used, and quite pos­si­bly far enough beyond repair that it may sim­ply be shut down.

The Henry County Health Depart­ment says the pool needs repairs in order to reopen in 2015. And to make the repairs, the vil­lage would have to sub­mit new plans to the state.

Most of the con­crete needs replace­ment, and Hol­gate offi­cials say the cost is just not worth it, con­sid­er­ing the pool is not even mak­ing any money.

While fig­ures for this year are not yet in, last year, Holgate’s com­mu­nity pool brought in $16,846, while expenses added up to $26,022. The pool also ended 2012 more than $13,000 in the red. Offi­cials say they have no rea­son to believe that this year will be any bet­ter, as atten­dance so far this year has been poor.

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