Local Man Safe Following Plane Crash

A plane crashed Mon­day after­noon in Williams County.

Accord­ing to the Williams County Sheriff’s Office, Sam Santa Rita had just taken off in his sin­gle engine plane from his pri­vate airstrip near Edger­ton, when the air­craft crashed into the woods.

The plane was totaled, but amaz­ingly, Santa Rita was able to walk away from the crash. He walked home, and his wife drove him to the hos­pi­tal.

Mean­while, emer­gency crews swarmed onto the scene, where they sat­u­rated the debri field with a flame retar­dant mate­r­ial to keep the fire that erupted from the wreck from spread­ing into the nearby woods and fields.

While the air­craft is a total loss, Santa Rita’s injuries are described as minor.

The crash is being inves­ti­gated by the Fed­eral Avi­a­tion Administration.

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