Homeless Man Jailed On Drug Charges In Bryan

Bryan Police say that on Fri­day evening, at 9:50 PM, 32 year old Joshua James Wolf, who is described as being home­less, was arrested on a Felony War­rant out of Hills­dale Michi­gan. The orig­i­nal charge was Man­u­fac­tur­ing methamphetamine/Ecstasy and Oper­at­ing a Lab­o­ra­tory involv­ing Metham­phet­a­mine and Pos­ses­sion of Metham­phet­a­mine. Wolf was also charged with Pos­ses­sion of Metham­phet­a­mine, Pos­ses­sion of Mar­i­juana and Pos­ses­sion of Mar­i­juana Para­pher­na­lia. He was taken to CCNO, where he was placed behind bars, his new home.

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