Ohio House Repub­li­cans on Tues­day ripped apart their own governor’s pro­posed bud­get, strip­ping away his plan to expand Med­ic­aid and much of his tax over­haul and revamp­ing how he wanted to fund schools.

The revamped House plan spreads addi­tional school fund­ing over more dis­tricts. The new plan also adds fund­ing that is expected to finan­cially boost uni­ver­si­ties and col­leges.

The revised two-year bud­get, nearly $2 bil­lion smaller than the governor’s $63.3 bil­lion plan, cuts per­sonal income-tax rates across the board by 7 per­cent a year. The cut would be financed by expected growth in exist­ing tax rev­enue sources, as well as about $400 mil­lion in sur­plus funds that the Gov­er­nor had planned to give back to tax­pay­ers next year in the form of a tax rebate.

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