Two men from Indi­ana who were already charged with car thefts from Williams County, and allegedly cook­ing meth, were indicted Tues­day on more charges.

The Williams County grand jury list of indict­ments released Tues­day includes 24 year old Tim­o­thy Dull of Hamil­ton, Indi­ana, and 22 year old Christo­pher Ervin of But­ler, Indi­ana.

The two are accused of steal­ing a 1997 Dodge Dakota and a 2012 GMC Sierra on July 3.

They also are accused of the theft on July 7th of a 2005 Chevro­let Sil­ver­ado.

The new charges are in addi­tion to the other charges lev­eled against the two in a July 17th indictment.

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