A Williams County Grand Jury has handed down indict­ments against a num­ber of peo­ple on var­i­ous charges.

Indict­ments were handed down Tues­day against:

Jes­sica L. War­ren of Edger­ton; Edward S. R. Ramirez of Bryan; Sammy C. Brown of Mont­pe­lier;

Tim­o­thy L. Dull of Hamil­ton, Indi­ana; Christo­pher D. Ervin of But­ler, Indi­ana; Rickey L. Hicks of Mont­pe­lier;

Ryan P. Vana­tor of Michi­gan; Seth A. McA­tee who has no per­ma­nent address; Jake­sha Davis of Clin­ton Town­ship, Michi­gan; Dustin Coler of Bryan; Darla Steele of Bryan; Abdul Suc­car of Dear­born Heights, Michi­gan; Jonathon Gill of Edon; Amy J. Miller of Edon; Alan Hug of Edon; Mark Sin­clair of Bryan;

Travis J. Rath of Kun­kle, Ohio; Kevin D. Lock­wood of Mark Cen­ter, Ohio; Tracey Smith of Mont­pe­lier; and

Philip Gam­boe of Edon.

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