Investigation Underway At Reported Shots Fired At Vehicles’

A report Tues­day after­noon about a man who may have had a gun. Accord­ing to the Branch County Sheriff’s Depart­ment, an Ohio woman and her hus­band were south­bound on I­-69 near the New­ton Road over­pass when they saw a tall, thin man with short hair point­ing a gun at their car.
Deputies searched the area, but didn’t find evi­dence of a weapon or gun­shots being fired, or even any­one hav­ing been there. But it’s not the first time some­thing like this has hap­pened. Over the last three weeks, there have been reports of vehi­cles being hit by some­thing, or in at least three cases, gun­shots being fired along I­-94 and I-­69 in Cal­houn County, and along I­-69 in both Branch and Eaton Coun­ties. All told, around twenty vehi­cles have been dam­aged since August 19th with at least three of them in Cal­houn County being hit by bul­lets. The inves­ti­ga­tion is ongoing.

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