Jobs Appear Safe At SensoryEffects

We recently told you about the planned acqui­si­tion of Sen­so­ry­Ef­fects in Defi­ance by New York based Balchem Corp.

Now, the Cres­cent News is report­ing that there will be lit­tle if any changes for those work­ing there, and that’s good news.

Sen­so­ry­Ef­fects says the com­pany is “oper­at­ing as is, with no plans to change any­thing. They also defin­i­tively said that the Defi­ance plant won’t be clos­ing. In fact, the com­pany is now look­ing at expan­sion.

Sen­so­ry­Ef­fects employs approx­i­mately 102 peo­ple in Defi­ance.

The pur­chase price of Sen­so­ry­Ef­fects was $567 mil­lion and the acqui­si­tion is expected to close within the next 40 days.

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