k9 Donation

The Bryan Police Depart­ments K9s Sage has been awarded a bal­lis­tic vest thanks to a non profit orga­ni­za­tion, Vested Inter­est in K9s, Inc. $16,595.00 was donated to the char­ity from the “K9 Kota Cam­paign” which will pro­vide vests for sev­en­teen K9s in KY, OH, NJ, CA and IN.

The “K9 Kota Cam­paign” held an online event sell­ing over 1350 tee shirts for the cause.

Vested Inter­est in K9s, Inc. is a 501c (3) char­ity, with a mis­sion to pro­vide bul­let and stab pro­tec­tive vests and other assis­tance to dogs of law enforce­ment

and related agen­cies through­out the United States. Each vest

costs $950.00 and has a 5 year war­ranty. The non­profit was estab­lished in 2009 to assist law enforce­ment agen­cies with this poten­tially life sav­ing body armor for their four legged K9

Offi­cers. Through pri­vate and cor­po­rate spon­sor­ships, Vested

Inter­est in K9s, Inc. pro­vided over 930 law enforce­ment dogs in

39 states with pro­tec­tive vests since 2009 at a cost of $880,000.

For more infor­ma­tion or to learn about vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties,

please call 508–824-6978. Tax deductible dona­tions accepted via

mail to: Vested Inter­est in K9s, Inc. P.O. Box 9 East Taunton,

MA 02718 or via the web­site: www.vik9s.org.

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