Sauder Celebrates

Spring on the Farm,” will be cel­e­brated at Sauder Vil­lage on Sat­ur­day, May 10 with activ­i­ties includ­ing churn­ing but­ter, mak­ing rope, stomp­ing beans, gar­den­ing and much more!

Dur­ing Spring on the Farm guests can watch sheep shear­ing demon­stra­tions and there will be new baby ani­mals to visit in the his­toric barns.

In the his­toric homes guests can help wash dan­de­lion greens, churn but­ter, grate horse­rad­ish and roll out a pie crust. There will also be gar­den­ing activ­i­ties (weather per­mit­ting), rope mak­ing, rug beat­ing and win­dow wash­ing. The old-fashioned spell­down in the Dis­trict 16 School is another favorite activ­ity for youth to enjoy. Through­out the day cos­tumed guides in the his­toric homes will be prepar­ing dried foods stored from the fall. Other spe­cial demon­stra­tions will include mak­ing corn cob jelly, mak­ing turnip kraut and mak­ing home-made soap.

Per­for­mances by spe­cial guest Bob Ford are also a tra­di­tional part of this fam­ily event.

For more infor­ma­tion about Spring on the Farm or other events planned for the 2014 sea­son at Sauder Vil­lage, call 800–590-9755, visit

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