Thomas J. Knapp was sen­tenced Wednes­day in Williams County Court to the rec­om­mended 4 years in prison for his involve­ment in the injuries to a young child.

Pros­e­cu­tors said that on Nov. 4, 2012 an 8 month old child was left in the care of Knapp while her mother went to the gro­cery store.

Knapp was the only per­son there, and the infant sus­tained “seri­ous and debil­i­tat­ing injuries” that hos­pi­tal offi­cials said they believed were not acci­den­tal.

Knapp was indicted in Novem­ber. In July, he entered an Alford plea for the charge of endan­ger­ing chil­dren.

The Bryan Times reports that Knapp faced a min­i­mum sen­tence of two years in jail, with a max­i­mum of eight years. The rec­om­mended sen­tence, which was handed down, was four years.

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