Labor Day Closings Listed

Mon­day is Labor Day, and in obser­vance of the hol­i­day, all city, county, state and fed­eral offices will be closed Mon­day.

Other changes in sched­ules include post offices. In Bryan, the post office win­dow will be closed, and there will be no reg­u­lar mail deliv­ery. The License bureau will be closed. All Bryan banks and credit unions will be closed Mon­day, with the excep­tion of Wood­for­est National Bank, which will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Mean­while, the State liquor store will remain open. But the Williams County Pub­lic Library in Bryan, Edger­ton, Edon, Pio­neer, Stryker and West Unity, and the Mont­pe­lier Pub­lic Library, will all be closed Mon­day.

All area pub­lic schools will also be closed on Mon­day.

We’ll be right here on your radio though, so if you want to know what’s hap­pen­ing in the area, or catch up on the lat­est news on Mon­day, just turn us on, or go to

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