Lightning Behind Gas Blast

It’s now been deter­mined that it was light­ning that caused that home explo­sion a week ago at Snow Lake in Steuben County.

Fire inves­ti­ga­tors found burn holes where the light­ning came out through a gas line in the crawl­space. Inves­ti­ga­tors now say they think the crawl­space filled with gas after the light­ning strike and an appli­ance kicked on, spark­ing the explo­sion that lev­eled the Steuben County home.

The per­son liv­ing in the house, Danielle Young, for­tu­nately was not home at the time of the explo­sion. A dog that was in the home in a crate sur­vived some­how.

Some neigh­bors report­edly felt the explo­sion as much as four miles away.

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