Local Man Charged With Murder In West Virginia

A Grand Jury in West Vir­ginia this week, indicted two men on mur­der charges, one of them a local man from our area.

Charles Free­man of Arch­bold was re-arrested Wednes­day, along with Joseph Metz, of West Vir­ginia, who was re-arrested in Jan­u­ary in con­nec­tion to the 1999 dis­ap­pear­ance of 46 year old Mary Friend and 69 year old Max­ine Stal­naker.

The two men were orig­i­nally charged back in 2013, but the orig­i­nal charges were dropped.

Metz is the son of Mary Friend and grand­son of Max­ine Stal­naker, who both went miss­ing from Lewis County, West Vir­ginia in 1999.

Both Free­man and Metz will be arraigned in Lewis County, West Vir­ginia Court today.

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