Man Hit With Sex Charges

A man was indicted Mon­day after being nabbed with obscene mate­r­ial involv­ing a minor child on his cell phone.

29 year old Daniel J. Pem­ber of Fayette, now is charged with two counts of pan­der­ing obscen­ity involv­ing a minor, and one count of sex­ual bat­tery, all felonies.

In an indict­ment handed down by the Williams County grand jury, Pem­ber is accused of com­mit­ting the crimes, which involved young boys aged 16 and 17, between Jan. 1 and Feb. 4th at the Turn­pike Plaza in West Unity.

Pem­ber also faces sexually-based cases in Bryan Munic­i­pal Court.

His sen­tenc­ing on those charges is now set for April 12th.

His ini­tial court appear­ance on the lat­est charges is sched­uled for April 8th.

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