Emer­gency respon­ders were called out to Edger­ton Tues­day after­noon after a man who was cut­ting a tree became injured.

The man was cut­ting a tree behind a home, seper­ated by about 600 yards of drifted snow from the near­est paved road, which made get­ting him from the acci­dent scene very dif­fi­cult.

At this time, offi­cials say they aren’t sure if the tree fell on the guy or exactly what hap­pened. He was taken by heli­copter to Parkview Hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne with seri­ous injuries.

The man’s name and other infor­ma­tion are being with­held at the request of his fam­ily and until more infor­ma­tion about the acci­dent is gathered.

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