It’s still win­ter folks…

Late Tues­day after­noon, offi­cials in Williams County and sur­round­ing areas were prep­ping for our next storm.

The National Weather Ser­vice is pre­dict­ing up to ten inches of the white stuff this time around here in Williams County, along with winds gust­ing up to around 30 miles per hour, which of course, will cause wide­spread drift­ing and road clo­sures.

Off­i­cals are ask­ing every­one to stay off the roads, and if you absolutely must go out there, give your­self some extra time and make sure you are pre­pared in case you become stranded.

The new snow­fall will cover roads that are still not cleared from the last go-round, mak­ing travel con­di­tions treach­er­ous and down­right dangerous.

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