The Ohio State Uni­ver­sity Exten­sion office in Defi­ance County, in con­junc­tion with Pauld­ing County, will be offer­ing Mas­ter Gar­dener Train­ing classes from Feb. 27– April 24.

The classes will run from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. each Thurs­day, for nine weeks.

Any­one inter­ested in receiv­ing an appli­ca­tion packet should con­tact the Defi­ance County exten­sion office by email­ing or phon­ing 419–782-4771 or 800–745-4771.

The Mas­ter Gar­dener pro­gram offers 50 hours of hor­ti­cul­tural train­ing, which is then followed-up by 50 vol­un­teer hours com­pleted by each stu­dent to become cer­ti­fied.

The cost is $90. Stu­dents also will be respon­si­ble for get­ting fin­ger­printed before the end of the train­ing. Fin­ger­print­ing is required because Mas­ter Gar­den­ers are vol­un­teers of The Ohio State Uni­ver­sity. The Pauld­ing County Sheriff’s Office offers fin­ger­print­ing at the cost of $30.

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