Thir­teen young women will bat­tle for the title of Miss North­west­ern Ohio in the pageant schol­ar­ship, sched­uled for Sat­ur­day at the Defi­ance Com­mu­nity Audi­to­rium.

Included in the pageant are three con­tes­tants from our local area: Nicole Baringer of Defi­ance, Dominique Ton­neas of Hicksville and Miranda Miller, of Napoleon.

The schol­ar­ship pageant is offer­ing $2,700 to the top win­ners and a chance for the woman elected Miss North­west­ern Ohio to com­pete in the Miss Ohio Pageant next year and then pos­si­bly on to the Miss Amer­ica pageant later in the year.

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