Three peo­ple were injured in a motor­cy­cle crash in Henry County on Mon­day evening.

The Henry County Sheriff’s Office reports the crash hap­pened at about 8PM at East and Plum streets, when a motor­cy­cle dri­ven by 31 year old Toby Borstel­man of Lib­erty Cen­ter ran into the rear of a motor­cy­cle dri­ven by 21 year old Jacob Mur­rey, also of Lib­erty Cen­ter, that had slowed to make a turn.

Both bikes over­turned and both dri­vers were tossed from their motor­cy­cles.

Murrey’s motor­cy­cle came to rest on the road­way. Borstelman’s motor­cy­cle slid into a util­ity pole.

Both dri­vers, along with an eight year old pas­sen­ger on Borstelman’s bike, were taken to hos­pi­tals with injuries and police say dam­age to both motor­cy­cles was severe.

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