Much Schedule Shuffling Due To Storm

Due to the weather con­di­tions, Defi­ance Pub­lic Library and Sher­wood Branch Library will open at noon today.

“Read, Rhyme and Romp” and “Sto­ry­time” at Defi­ance Pub­lic Library are can­celled for today.

Most area fil­ing dead­lines for the May 6 pri­mary have been pushed back at least one day.

The dead­line to file an issue or par­ti­san can­di­dacy for the pri­mary was 4 p.m. Wednes­day. But most area county board of elec­tions offices were closed yes­ter­day due to snow emer­gen­cies, so those fil­ing dead­lines have been post­poned one day until 4 p.m. today.

There is at least one excep­tion… Pauld­ing County’s board of elec­tions did not close yes­ter­day because of the storm.

A spe­cial Defi­ance city parks board meet­ing that had been sched­uled for 5 p.m. Wednes­day to dis­cuss Bron­son pool has been re-scheduled to the next reg­u­lar meet­ing which is now sched­uled for 5 p.m. on Feb. 19.

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