Ohio Has A Big Heroin Problem, Says Attorney General

The State Attor­ney Gen­eral made a visit to the area right before the big storm on Tues­day.

Mike DeWine met with pub­lic offi­cials to dis­cuss a vari­ety of issues.

DeWine’s first stop was at the Defi­ance County Sheriff’s Office.

He then later met with law enforce­ment offi­cials in Pauld­ing, then trav­eled to Ottawa for a meet­ing with the Ottawa Cham­ber of Com­merce, and then finally vis­ited Mar­ion at the end of the day.

DeWine spoke about many dif­fer­ent top­ics, but a main con­cern was what he said is an explod­ing heroin prob­lem in Ohio.

DeWine said about 900 peo­ple died statewide directly from heroin usage in 2013, and he said that despite what many may think, the prob­lem is run­ning ram­pant in every Ohio county.

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