Napoleon Gets New Council Member

A new mem­ber was sworn in this week dur­ing a meetin of Napoleon City Coun­cil.

Jef­frey Comadoll replaces Patrick McCol­ley who announced his res­ig­na­tion from coun­cil last month.

In his first meet­ing, a num­ber of leg­isla­tive items were approved regard­ing the cre­ation of two new city posi­tions and the hir­ing of a new city man­ager. Napoleon Coun­cil this week, passed an ordi­nance estab­lish­ing posi­tions of assis­tant city man­ager and spe­cial projects clerk. Coun­cil also appreved the amend­ment of the pay for the city man­ager.

At this week’s meet­ing, Napoleon Coun­cil also awarded a bid for a mini exca­va­tor. Only one bid was received, and that bid was awarded to, Buck & Knobby Equip­ment Co. for an 18,000 pound mini exca­va­tor for $62,650. The base bid was for $86,650 with a trade-in allowance of $24,000 for a backhoe.

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