New AG’s office Student Loan help

For stu­dents who want to go to col­lege and take out stu­dent loans, the Ohio Attor­ney Gen­er­als Office has a new tool to help. The AG’s new Stu­dent Loan Cen­ter pro­vides resources and tools to help stu­dents and par­ents make smart bor­row­ing deci­sions, accord­ing to AG Mike Dewine. The infor­ma­tion includes tips how to reduce the cost of going to col­lege, resources to explore careers, choos­ing a school, apply­ing for stu­dent loans and cal­cu­la­tors to help bud­get expenses. The web­site is

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Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced Monday that 28 colleges and universities in Ohio will receive …