New Chief In Bryan

Bryan City Coun­cil met in spe­cial ses­sion Mon­day and approved the pro­mo­tion of Michael Willis to be the next chief of police in Bryan.

Willis will fill the shoes of out­go­ing chief Jeff Arnold, who is step­ping down and retir­ing effec­tive Sept. 14.

Mayor Doug John­son told the Bryan Times that four can­di­dates applied for the job and each under­went exhaus­tive inter­views by an inter­view com­mit­tee.

Fol­low­ing those inter­views, the com­mit­tee unan­i­mously rec­om­mended Willis to be the next Police Chief.

Willis began his law enforce­ment career in 1985 as a road patrol offi­cer with the Mont­pe­lier Police Depart­ment.

In 1989 he joined the Williams County Sheriff’s Office.

In 1991 he began work with the Bryan Police Depart­ment.

Willis’ career high­lights include a 1992 nom­i­na­tion for Offi­cer of the Year by the Fra­ter­nal Order of Police and the 1996 Offi­cer of the Year award issued by the Bryan Post of the Vet­er­ans of For­eign Wars.

Accord­ing to The Times, Willis’ start­ing annual salary will be $60,000 annually.

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