Plane Crash Victim Identified

It’s now been learned that one of the two peo­ple killed in a week­end plane crash was the CEO of an Ohio man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pany.

Ralf Bron­nen­meier was the CEO of Grob Sys­tems in Bluffton. He was at the con­trols of the single-engine plane that crashed early Sun­day morn­ing just north­east of Find­lay.

A female pas­sen­ger onboard also was killed, how­ever the name of that per­son still hasn’t been released.

The crash is still being inves­ti­gated by the Fed­eral Avi­a­tion Admin­is­tra­tion and National Trans­porta­tion Safety Board, who have con­firmed that the plane was trav­el­ing from Hol­land, Michi­gan, to Bluffton.

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