Some new light will soon be shed on The Defi­ance County Air­port. The air­port will soon be get­ting some new lights. The only ques­tion is whether tra­di­tional incan­des­cent bulbs or more mod­ern and cur­rent tech­nol­ogy will be cho­sen in the form of high-tech LED light­ing.

The Bryan Times reports that air­port offi­cials say while incan­des­cent bulbs are less expen­sive to install, main­te­nance costs are much higher over the long run. LED’s last much longer. The county engineer’s

esti­mate was $259,000 for incan­des­cent bulbs and $283,000 for LEDs.

A Fed­eral Avi­a­tion Admin­is­tra­tion grant which will fund 90% of the project is being sought.

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