New Mission Statement

After dis­cus­sions dur­ing the past two board meet­ings, mem­bers of the Quadco Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter joint Admin­is­tra­tive and Non-Profit board approved a new mis­sion state­ment that sup­ports peo­ple reach­ing their goals.

The new mis­sion state­ment is now “Quadco exists to help peo­ple achieve their goals in life.“

Board mem­bers all agreed that the new mis­sion state­ment meets cur­rent think­ing that mis­sion state­ments should be just a few words so they are easy to remem­ber and describe what an orga­ni­za­tion does.

Board mem­bers also learned that Quadco par­tic­i­pated in the HOPES Ser­vices Soup Chal­lenge as part of Henry County activ­i­ties for Devel­op­men­tal Dis­abil­i­ties Aware­ness Month in March, get­ting sec­ond place in the people’s choice vot­ing for their entry of twice baked Irish potato soup.

Also, the Art Club, Senior Activ­i­ties Cen­ter and Defi­ance Cen­ter par­tic­i­pants all com­pleted spe­cial art projects for the Easter sea­son.

A group also took a trip to the recy­cling cen­ter last week and recy­cled some alu­minum cans they had col­lected.

There will be an inser­vice train­ing day on May 5th, which will include train­ings on com­mu­nity employ­ment and inclu­sion, rights for per­sons being served, deferred com­pen­sa­tion and a ses­sion on diver­sity.

The next meet­ing of the Quadco joint board will be May 27 at noon in the Stryker con­fer­ence room.

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