Vicki Brunn is the new super­in­ten­dent of the Cen­tral Local School Dis­trict, and already she says she feels right at home here.

Brunn says she was born in Elwood, Pa.,but spent part of her for­ma­tive years in Find­lay.

Her fam­ily then spent years in Ney, Edon and Desh­ler before mov­ing to Carey, where Brunn grad­u­ated from Carey High School.

She even­tu­ally returned to Find­lay, but then left again to per­sue her career.

She started work­ing with the dis­trict in July and received help set­tling in by her pre­de­ces­sor, retir­ing super­in­ten­dent David Bagley, whom she describes as “a good guy.” Since then, she’s met with about 50 staff mem­bers so far and is look­ing for­ward to meet­ing every­one else. She says she wants this move to be her last move.

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