With equal empha­sis on the rewards com­ing with new inter­ests and the know-how to unlock skills for every­day use of dig­i­tal, hand– held devices like smart­phones and dig­i­tal cam­eras, Sem­i­nar Fifty at the Cen­ter for Life­long Learn­ing offers area adults 55 plus an unusual oppor­tu­nity on Sep­tem­ber 27.

In the after­noon ses­sion, Tom Wylie, an indus­trial engi­neer­ing tech­nol­ogy leader at North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege, will offer keys to the future as he de-mystifies the hand-held dig­i­tal devices.

Lunch will be avail­able in the adja­cent North­west Café between the ses­sions. Before the 9:00 a.m. open­ing in Build­ing “C,” room 200, Beta Zeta chap­ter of Delta Kappa Gamma will offer com­pli­men­tary cook­ies and a morn­ing bev­er­age.

Reser­va­tions before Sep­tem­ber 24 are encour­aged. Call 419–533-2361 or 419–267-5502). Some walk-ins can be accepted.

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