NSCC Terminates Staff

At a recent spe­cial meet­ing of The North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege Board of Trustees, fol­low­ing an exec­u­tive ses­sion, two res­o­lu­tions were approved.

The board accepted the res­ig­na­tions of Wendy Scheurich, full-time cus­to­dian; Paula Fisher, full-time cus­to­dian; and Robin Diaz, full-time cus­to­dial super­vi­sor. The board approved the ter­mi­na­tions of full-time cus­to­di­ans Penny Perez and Mary Ann Win­ters, who were found to be in vio­la­tion of NSCC Pol­icy 3–03 Stan­dards of Con­duct.

An exec­u­tive com­mit­tee meet­ing was held fol­low­ing the spe­cial meet­ing. The board’s next reg­u­lar meet­ing is sched­uled for Fri­day, Octo­ber 3 at 12 p.m. in the McDougle Center.

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