ODNR: “We’re not out to get people”

As farm­ers get ready for win­ter, the new state law con­cern­ing water qual­ity and fer­til­izer were to topic of con­ver­sa­tion at the Ever­green Lane Office Com­plex. The law estab­lished new restric­tions. About two dozen area res­i­dents talked about the restric­tions, weather fore­casts, and keep­ing track of treat­ments. Matt Lane, the rep­re­sen­ta­tive from the ODNR’s Colum­bus office, said they are offi­cially using the National Weather Ser­vice fore­cast, espe­cially impor­tant when con­sid­er­ing rain­fall and snow. Lane said at the meet­ing that the office wants to work with farm­ers, and that “we’re not going to be out to get peo­ple.” The new law was passed after the large algae bloom in Lake Erie and area water­ways that affected local drink­ing water.

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