Area motor­cy­cle rid­ers are look­ing for­ward to a raf­fle and din­ner at the annual Old Timer’s Ride this Sat­ur­day.

This year’s event will be the third year it’s been hosted by the Defi­ance County Senior Ser­vices.

Reg­is­tra­tion will be at Integrity Defi­ance Auto Body start­ing at 11 a.m. Sat­ur­day morn­ing with cof­fee and donuts pro­vided. Rid­ers will take off at noon and will ride as a group dur­ing the after­noon. The group is set to arrive at the DCSS at 4 p.m. for a chicken and rib din­ner, bike show and a free raf­fle to win prizes.

All of the money raised at the event will go toward the aux­il­iary in order to help the seniors.

Reg­is­tra­tion is $20 for a sin­gle rider and $25 with a pas­sen­ger. There will be a $7 charge for din­ner for non-riders.

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