Parents upset at Bryan School Board

A local Mom is upset at the Bryan school dis­trict, for how they’ve han­dled a sit­u­a­tion with her daugh­ter, her mid­dle school teacher and a friend three years ago.
The woman, Kim Snavely said her girls were at the teacher’s home after school and found pri­vate sex­ual items. Snavely said the school never did a thor­ough inves­ti­ga­tion.
On Mon­day, par­ents went to the school board to get answers. School lead­ers told the crowd that sev­eral agen­cies looked into the claims, includ­ing the Defi­ance County Sheriff’s Office and the Attor­ney General’s Office and found the teacher’s actions were not criminal.

We live in a coun­try where peo­ple have rights and we have to abide by laws,” Glen New­comer, the board pres­i­dent said, refer­ring to the teacher’s con­tract with “mul­ti­ple pro­tec­tions under the law.” When asked what the school board will do next, the board pres­i­dent said “based on the total­ity of the cir­cum­stances, we believe every­one is bet­ter suited mov­ing forward.”

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