Parking spot proposal considered in council

A pro­posal to cre­ate 20 des­ig­nated around the clock park­ing spots in Mont­pe­lier was passed on a first read­ingt Mon­day by coun­cil. The Bryan Times reports those spots on the 200, 300 and 400 blocks of West Wash­ing­ton Street would be intended for peo­ple rent­ing apart­ments in the vicin­ity and, accord­ing to land­lords would be an attrac­tive perk for teneants. One build­ing owner told law­mak­ers that rent­ing apart­ments is the only way to keep the down­town eco­nom­i­cally viable.

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Community Thanksgiving dinner in Stryker on Nov. 16th.

Attention residents in the Stryker area, Bridging the Gap Church is hosting another community Thanksgiving …