Two hurt in single vehicle crash

Two Williams County res­i­dents were seri­ously injured Sun­day evening in a one-vehicle crash. Police say 36 year old Eva York and 39 year old Ken­neth Far­ley Jr, both of Mont­pe­lier, were trans­ported by air ambu­lance to a Toledo hos­pi­tal after the acci­dent that hap­pened on Ohio 576 south of the turn­pike in Williams County at about 11:45 pm. Police say the vehi­cle left the right side of the road­way and when the dri­ver tried to cor­rect that, the car hit a util­ity pole and flipped over sev­eral times. Far­ley was ejected from the vehi­cle. Another pas­sen­ger was also in the vehi­cle, 17 year old Ken­neth Far­ley, but no infor­ma­tion is avail­able on his condition.

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