The Pauld­ing County Fair is almost ready to kick off. This year’s fair will be June 10–15 in Pauld­ing. Admis­sion is free. Each day there will be games and rides from D&D Putting and Amuse­ments from 1–10 p.m. Grenko pony rides and games also will be at the fair. GMH Sny­der Farms will have a mechan­i­cal bull at the fair­grounds through June 14.

All enter­tain­ment is free, includ­ing two big enter­tain­ment groups, Matt Enik on June 15 at 8:30 p.m. and Jami­son Road at 8 p.m. on June 11.

There will also be an antique machin­ery dis­play through­out the fair.

The fair kicks off with Can­cer Aware­ness Day on June 10.

Veteran’s Day is June 13.

June 14 is FFA alumni and flag day at the fair.

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