Pet­tisville stu­dent Chrysta Beck has been rec­og­nized for her research on… chick­ens.

Beck recently placed third in the ani­mal sci­ences divi­sion of the Intel Inter­na­tion­als Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing Fair, the world’s largest inter­na­tional pre-college sci­ence com­pe­ti­tion. Her project dealt with chick­ens.

Beck won $1,000 for her efforts, money that will go toward her col­lege sav­ings.

Beck said she is look­ing at being a poul­try sci­ence major as she heads for her senior year this com­ing fall. She is look­ing at pos­si­bly attend­ing the Uni­ver­sity of Arkansas or Mis­sis­sippi State.

For this year’s project, Beck did a com­par­a­tive study of the dif­fer­ence strains of broil­ers. Her hypothe­ses were that the Ross 708X Hub­bard strain would grow the largest as it sup­ports high food effi­ciency and is tol­er­ant to mul­ti­ple cli­mates. She also esti­mated that the strain would have the most desir­able meat.

Approx­i­mately 1,200 stu­dents rep­re­sent­ing 60 coun­ties took part in the inter­na­tional fair.

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